Wednesday, January 5, 2011

No, seriously.

Night shift here is such a toss up. Sometimes it's dead quiet, sometimes it's just really busy. Tonight was more of the latter, and though I clearly have some downtime right now, it's been a LONG shift (my karmic reward for complaining about not getting enough hours perhaps). Anyway, I just finished the final draft of the voiceover for Shafted! - Episode 2 tonight, which together with the writing and rewriting Daniel and I do together is by far the most difficult part of the process. I look forward to working with Daniel to add music and sound effects to the mix soon. So it should be done in the next few weeks.

Tron Legacy was good, but it didn't break my mind the way, say, the new Star Trek broke my mind. In fact, it really didn't do much in the mind-breaking field at all, and I saw it in an Imax. I did look forward a lot to hearing Daft Punk's soundtrack, being quite the fan. They delivered about as expected. Though their versatility is very impressive and I look forward to hearing their future cinematic offerings (of which I am quite confident there will be more), their lack of experience in the genre is telling, and some of the less dance-inspired and more cinematic tracks are quite derivative. Think Batman Betrons. Or to a lesser extent, Tronception.

Anyway gotta go.


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