Sunday, November 14, 2010

Cletuuuuuus Cletus Butter! And Jelly!

Check da reverb (, I've put up some new tracks from Cletus: The Dark Mage, including the narrated introduction (you should imagine a crowd is there).

DCBSupafly and myself are in cahoots (cahoots I tell you!) with some upcoming creative work. Keep your heads peeled and your eyes googly. Googly shmoogly. He is also helping me with the audio editing for Cletus.

Without revealing anything of the story, Cletus is something I started working on specifically for the next Speed of Sound event I'd perform at. Speed of Sound is a monthly showcase of electronic artists that takes place in Bloomington IN. The original plan was to tell it like a traditional epic storyteller with my original soundtrack playing constantly in the background, and with the story being divided into three 20-minute acts. In the interests of maybe actually finishing it one day, while it will be very music-heavy I don't think I should force myself to either always have music playing in the background, or to always avoid situations in which the music merely loops. This is my first time bringing these two crafts together (music and storytelling) and while I'm a decent enough informal storyteller and composer, I want this project to be enjoyable for myself as well, not just my audience. There is really no reason to turn it into unpleasantness by setting the bar too high. I am CONSIDERING the possibility of breaking the story down into five minute episodes which I could finish about one a month. At that rate it would take me a year to tell the story, but it wouldn't stress me out too much and at least it would get told.

Part of the problem(?) is that I've been much less interested in working on Cletus since meeting my current girlfriend in July, despite her encouragement to work on it and my own desire to do so. Anybody else had this problem before? I'm slowly getting back to it but I wish I hadn't let it languish so long.

I am looking for some old bad sci-fi music for inspiration for a project DCB and I are working on. Open to suggestions.

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